About Us
The Max Natural Ayurveda Wellness pvt.ltd. was founded on 21st September, 2021. Ayurveda says that the world is made up of five elements: air, water, earth, fire, and space. Everyone and everything in this world is made up of different combinations of these elements. Vat, Pitt, and Kaph are 3 factors indicating the health of the human body and are also responsible for bad health. In order to be healthy, it is necessary to maintain the balance between these 3 factors and the 5 elements, an imbalance is likely to cause various types of diseases.
Considering this balance and our daily lifestyle, Max Natural Ayurveda has made 5 natural products ( Max Breath Health Care, Max Ossicle Care, Max Immunity Booster, Max Nuro Smart Care, and Max Body Detox Juice) based on phytoscience and technology, which can cure every disease arising in our body from the root. These products help detoxify our body as well as increase our immunity system. They will also help in purifying our bodies by removing the unwanted substances growing in our bodies.
The main objective of ‘Max Natural Ayurveda’ is to make available natural products easily at a lower cost. These products are manufactured with high quality. It will help recover many diseases growing in our body at a lower cost and will also benefit economically by promoting it. Our target is to eradicate poverty and unemployment in India.
Numbers Speak For Themselves!
Our Vision:
The purpose of the company is to help a diseased common man (poor & medium-class people) with not enough resources (financial and others) to get treatment in a good place with these products.
Meet our Founder & Directors

Founder & Director 1
DR.Rajesh Kumar Nimbhal
Dr. Rajesh Kumar Nimbhal is the National President of this NGO“Akhil Bhartiye Manav Kalyan Avam Swasth Sewa Sanstha “. He is highly educated and has 29+ years of experience in this field. He is a specialist in Acupuncture, Physiotherapy and Naturopathy. He has treated more than 7,500+ patients in the field.
Director 2
DR .Sushila Nimbhal
Dr. Sushila Nimbhal is the National (Female) President of this NGO“Akhil Bhartiye Manav Kalyan Avam Swasth Sewa Sanstha “.she is highly educated and has 29+ years of experience in this field. she is a specialist in Acupuncture, Physiotherapy and Naturopathy. He has treated more than 5000+ patients in the field.